昨晚在淘宝找人代买了个域名,然后push给我了。我也看到了,在我的域名列表里面了,当时我还绑定了我的一个空间,暂时测试,但是不知道为什么今天早上查询的时候那个域名竟然不在我的域名列表里面了,找代购人员,不在线(上午他们可能起的晚吧),然后自己上网查了下,这种事情还真有发生过,看了下说是whois信息不正确可能被godaddy删除了,得联系客服,我突然想到昨晚我接收到后,绑定个空间就关机睡觉了,没改whois信息,但也不能这么快吧,也没点提示什么的。想了想还是抓紧联系客服吧,然后用不熟练的英语给他们客服发了封Email(英语不好,打电话基本没法交流),然后收到提示说6个小时之内回复,我着急啊,这个是个怎么个情况啊,晕死,我第一次听说这种情况,更是第一次遇到,这是在godaddy买的第四个域名了,前面几个怎么没事啊,这个就……唉,等吧,等代购的那伙计的帮助,等godaddy客服的回复! ===================================================== 14:44更新:刚刚收到godaddy的回复邮件,如下:

Dear xing wei, This notice is to inform you that the items listed below have been deleted from your 40928616 account: .COM Domain Name Registration - 1 Year (recurring): REEXZ.COM If you feel this action has occurred in error or you need further assistance, our support staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

证实是被godaddy删除了,什么原因还不知道,已经发送邮件,期待进一步的回复! ===================================================== 15:04更新:再次收到godaddy的回复,如下:

We’ve received your question. You can expect a response within 24 hours.

Your Incident ID is: 11860844

Need help fast? Find answers, check out FAQs, and connect with other customers at Go Daddy Community.

Or, talk with our highly trained, courteous support staff – they’re waiting to take your call. Whatever time it takes to assist you, that’s the time you’ll receive: 24/7 Sales & Support: (480) 505-8877 - 24/7 Billing Support: (480) 505-8855.



We’ve received your question. You can expect a response within 24 hours. Your Incident ID is: 11860844 Need help fast? Find answers, check out FAQs, and connect with other customers at Go Daddy Community. Or, talk with our highly trained, courteous support staff – they’re waiting to take your call. Whatever time it takes to assist you, that’s the time you’ll receive: 24/7 Sales & Support: (480) 505-8877 - 24/7 Billing Support: (480) 505-8855. Thanks,GoDaddy.com

这次回答还是没有说出具体的原因,还是不知道为什么删除我的域名,决定打国际长途。可惜手机没开通国际长途,晚上回去打电话!真是……唉…… ============================================================================= 23:08更新:21:09的时候收到了godaddy的回复,如下:

Due to its complex nature, your issue has been relayed to our Advanced Technical Support Team. Our most skilled technicians will be working to resolve your issue quickly and completely. You will be notified promptly upon resolution.


We’ve received your question. You can expect a response within 24 hours. Your Incident ID is: 11864112 Need help fast? Find answers, check out FAQs, and connect with other customers at Go Daddy Community. Or, talk with our highly trained, courteous support staff – they’re waiting to take your call. Whatever time it takes to assist you, that’s the time you’ll receive: 24/7 Sales & Support: (480) 505-8877 - 24/7 Billing Support: (480) 505-8855.
